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Forgeline Issues $2500 KOTM Bounty

One of the most impressive and prestigious automotive events of the year is the annual UMI Performance invitation-only King of the Mountain competition, held each year at UMI Motorsports Park, in Clearfield, Pennsylvania. Not surprisingly, with a $25,000 payout (and $15,000 going to the overall champion), it attracts some of America’s most talented drivers and builders.

For 2022, Forgeline is sweetening this pot even further by offering an additional $2500 bounty to anyone who wins the overall KOTM championship in a muscle car, thus interrupting the trend in which import cars have claimed the championship for the past two years in a row (2020 & 2021).

The 2022 King of the Mountain takes place on August 25-27, and registration opens on February 18. Learn more at:

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